Women In Leadership


It is no secret that women have historically faced greater barriers than men when it comes to fully participating in the economy. Across geographies and income levels, disparities between men and women persist in the form of pay gaps, uneven opportunities for advancement, and unbalanced representation in important decision-making.

Women in leadership, however, have proven to be beneficial for both the company and individual employees. Women bring different perspectives and approaches to business, resulting in a more inclusive workplace and often better performance for the company. There is even evidence to suggest that when women lead, pay gaps between men and women narrow and newly hired employees are offered more equitable pay, regardless of gender.

Although the world is transitioning at a rapid pace, women are often left behind in positions of leadership.

Currently, at a global level, 5% of women in Africa are represented as CEOs and 22% are cabinet ministers.

Mandela Legacy believes in achieving gender inclusion by empowering women as it is fundamental for unlocking growth. The advantages of women in leadership largely ascend the disadvantages. Businesses who hold a gender diverse leadership perform exceptionally better than those who do not hold the same diversity. 

Having awareness of such advantages, women are still entering leadership roles at a substantially lower rate than men. This has to change. 


Drawing inspiration from our co-founder Winnie Nonzamo Madikizela Mandela, Mandela Legacy has activated the Winnie Nonzamo Madikizela Mandela Lessons in an attempt to unify women across the generational divide with the purpose of engaging on topics which are the most pertinent in their lived experiences. 

Such dialogues aim to drive a change of thought patterns of society in order to create tangible solutions. 


“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.”




Sport holds great power to surpass the confines of gender, race, creed and colour. Although gender inclusion in sport has made many great strides, women still face difficulties when entering the world of sport. This materialises in the underrepresentation of women in sport. The barriers which they often face include less investment, training and opportunity than their male counterparts.

In line with the above, Mandela Legacy has partnered with the South African Football Association to create the annual Winnie Mandela Inaugural Challenge.

In curating such an event, we wanted to ensure women are included in all spaces.

We believe with our participation, we can lend a hand in creating awareness for diversity in sports. We would like to offer women an equal opportunity to follow their dreams regardless of their preference.